Monday, May 9, 2022


 It's not exactly a reach to use the "biggest brains provided by nature" to gather the truth that mankind is truly the most awful creature on the planet. The arguments for this come thick and fast, burying any contrary points birthed of hubris in Pompeiian fashion. Let's all take a GIANT step back from the INSANE levels of partisanship that grip us today and take a look at our own humanity, shall we?

You'd almost think, as natures' "most intelligent" animal, that we'd figure it out by now. Sadly, the answer is a hard NO. Controversy and contradiction. Scientific knowledge and popular opinion. Political and economic power grabs in the guise of the ever-tattered visage of freedom. We never learn...we WILL never learn.
"Power" is a natural construct. In the more basal species, physical power is an endgame. There's not much to it...might = right. As the big-brained so-called "stewards" of this planet, we are supposed to be beyond this basic principle. It's a sad truth that we are not. Not even close.
Probably this rant is fueled by consecutive reading of The Fountainhead, In Flanders Fields, The Story of a Gun, and now Masters of the Air. Also rum...but in more general terms...human psychology as seen through the eyes of Objectivism, World War I, the American obsession with the firearm, and World War II. Piled together and lubed properly...the question that keeps pushing to my frontal lobe is...WHAT THE FUCK? Shortly followed by...HOW? MILLIONS of deaths...just in the past hundred or so years! It's staggering.
Yeah...this is a rant on social media about society and the human condition...and it requires a giant step outside your everyday cognitive box. We SUCK. Human history...what is it? A series of wars, of destruction, of conquering, of pushing unwanted, unproven beliefs on other humans...and killing them if they do not ascribe to those tenets. Oh...and occasionally we do cool things like split the atom...and then use it to kill each other.
We are facing the demise of our very planet. We are intelligent enough to see HOW it is happening...but not intelligent enough to DO anything about it. It's phantasmagorical. Instead we argue and push agendas that forever boil down to power and money...cowing to those that had the forethought to pit the masses against each other and further their own intrinsically inhuman ideals...the actual destruction of other humans. It really isn't a pretty sight...but by all means...let's continue to hate one another because narcissistic ego-driven power-hungry mental midgets continually provoke blind hatred and fear of opposing ideology.
In my humble opinion, we need a global reckoning. Yo Vladimir...I'm looking at you as the current biggest asshole in the room. Human life isn't a thing that can be valued monetarily (despite what almost EVERY corporate entity in this world attempts to facilitate)...all it takes is the concept of RESPECT for your fellow being.
Figure. It. Out. It's not that hard.
This is the kind of stuff that keeps me awake at night.

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